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Master Weaver: Irene Bia

Irene Bia
Master Weaver: Irene Bia

June 13, 1955
CLAN :  Tangle Clan and Black Steak Wood Clan

Irene started weaving when she was 13 years old and was taught to weave by her mother and paternal grandmother.

Irene has won many awards from the Gallup All Indian Inter-Tribal Ceremonial.  She has had weavings exhibited at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum Wickenburg Arizona.  She is best known for very tight weave.  Irene can execute almost any geometric style with expert precision; triangles, square, and steps.

Irene, “I have family members that weave. They have been mentioned in newspapers and their photos have been published.  My Aunt Helen Bia, also a master weaver and my grandmas were a great influence to me.  I hope people can see the design creation, dedication and innovation I put in my weavings.   Weaving is my hobby and is very important to me.  I also teach the youngsters to weave.  

Irene was born and raised on the Navajo Reservation.  She lives in the mountainous region of the Navajo Nation and has been very active with weaving, tending and herding the sheep, and sometimes dyeing wool.  Steve and Gail have worked with Irene for over 30 years.  As a professional, and a perfectionist, the quality of the art she creates is exceptional.


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Irene BiaIrene BiaIrene BiaIrene BiaIrene BiaIrene Bia