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3rd Phase Chief Blanket

3rd Phase Chief Blanket

Hi Steve and Gail,

The blanket we purchased on our visit to your gallery arrived yesterday without any problems. It is going to make a great addition to our home and we are currently deliberating several places to hang it. We really enjoyed our visit to your gallery and getting educated on Navajo weavings. The tough part was making a decision on which weaving to buy. We will visit your website often to look at available pieces and look forward to visiting you again on our next trip to Tucson.

Roland, Charlotte, Pat and I still talk about the time we spent at your gallery.

I really had not planned to buy anything, I just wanted to see what was available and get some education.  But after seeing the quality and the reasonable prices, it was an easy decision to purchase the blanket.

James T.. Ohio

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  • Ben Schmid