Robin's Navajo Klagetoh Weaving of the Week June 5, 2018

This Klagetoh/Three Turkey Ruin woven by Master Weaver Helen Bia, came in 2nd Place at the 2017 Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial - for good reason. Besides the colors and intricate design, it is so fine and tight. Click here to see detail images of Churro Registry # 1512 and you will understand what I am talking about!
Helen comes from a line of highly respected weavers who are widely known for their talents as natural dye artists. Before she and Steve began to collaborate, she would dye her wool by hand using old family secret "recipes".
Today Steve provides her with Churro wool, dyed with the finest dyes available. By skipping the steps it takes to dye wool with natural colors, she has much more time to weave. Click here to see Helen's other rugs available. You can also see one she has currently on the loom.
Helen has won many awards at the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial over last 4 decades she has been weaving for Steve. Her weavings have also been in exhibitions at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg Arizona, highlighted in the 1974 Arizona Highways Magazine and is featured on page 6 and 33 of “The Fine Art of Navajo Weaving”, written by Steve Getzwiller and Ray Manley, circa 1984.
Shoot us an email or give me a call to talk more about this weaving!
- Ben Schmid