The Painting with Wool Exhibit displayed over 60 weavings, some historic and some contemporary. The goal for this exhibit is to present a comprehensive collection of the most unusual pictorial weavings we have been able to assemble over the past 45 years (some old friends). This is the Premier offering for many of the collection pieces. Images are inspired by Navajo culture, ceremony and lifestyle, from sacred to whimsical. They truly represent a window into American and Native American life.
A catalog was printed to preserve the exhibit, as some pieces find new homes.
Weavings featured in the Painting with Wool Exhibit which are available for sale are listed below. As always, if you have any questions please call us at 520-455-5020.
Painting with Wool Navajo Rug Exhibit - 2017
Pictorial - Squaw Dance Navajo Weaving : Juanita Tsosie : B-13 : 72" x 83" (6'1" x 6'11")

Pictorial - Squaw Dance Navajo Weaving : Juanita Tsosie : B-13 : 72" x 83" (6'1" x 6'11")
$ 10,000.00
Pictorial Navajo weaving. Who doesn't like a community dance? Look at all of the activity in this dynamic weaving! Juanita Tsosie of the Rough Rock area is the creative mind behind this great piece. She was the preeminent Navajo Folk Artist / Weaver of the 80s and 90s and her creations are highly sought, many are with prominent collections and ...
Storm Pattern Pictorial Navajo Rug : Ervin Phillips : Churro 1484 : 34″ x 60″ (2'10" x 5')
Storm Pattern Pictorial

Storm Pattern Pictorial Navajo Rug : Ervin Phillips : Churro 1484 : 34″ x 60″ (2'10" x 5')
$ 2,400.00
Storm Pattern Navajo rug. Bold black Black + White = Gray. It's such a simple color combination, but look at the power those colors have in this rug woven by Master Weaver Ervin Phillips. Ervin is the only male weaver that is part of the Navajo Churro Collection. This Storm Pattern boasts a Teepee Border, arrows squash blossom details. Made ...

SOLD - Teec Nos Pos Pictorial Navajo Rug : Historic : PC 9 : 38" x 77"
Check out this traditional Teec Nos Pos with a twist! Steve calls it Jail Birds, one bird even comes complete with red and white striped feathers. This is a very unusual Red Mesa/ Teec Nos Pos pictorial that has a bird border reminiscent of a Tree of Life. Hand carded, hand spun and hand dyed with aniline red dye. This Navajo rug was woven w...