Master Weaver: Cara Yazzie Gorman

Born : August 11, 1961
CLANS : “Water Edge” - “Tangle People Clan”; My Grandpa Tabaaha- Live Near the Stream ; Father side - Near Water – Tohana; Mom’s – Coyote Pass
Cara has won numerous awards at the Gallup All Indian Inter-Tribal Ceremonial and has had many of her weavings exhibited at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg, Arizona.
Cara was taught to weave by her Grandma, Nabaglenabah Tsosie – down in Canyon de Chelly near the Spider Rock area.
“I like to weave and I like to put design and colors together…. Keep on the traditions of weaving. I like working with Steve – I am happy I met him.” Cara said. “All of my daughters are weaves and Harriet's daughter – Alondra Bizahalni – my grand- daughter is also starting to weave.”