Press: 'Homes Across America' HGTV - 2004
Soon after Nizhoni Ranch Gallery opened it's Sonoita location, in the winter of 2004, we received a call from Homes Across America that they would like to feature our home and gallery in a series they were presenting.
We were thrilled of course, and we immediately went into action, as we needed to replace a shag carpet in the great room before the shoot, and we only had 2 weeks to accomplish this! We contacted David Perrino of the San Pedro Mesquite Company and he accepted the challenge.
In the end, the floor and mantel - all made from beautiful mesquite wood - were installed and finished the night before the photo shoot. (talk about cutting it close!) We were very excited to present our home, gallery, Navajo weavings, new mesquite floor and mantel to the world!
The episode appeared on Homes Across America, HGTV, December 20, 2004
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